Light construction works Karditsa, Thessaly - ALKO - Oil painting Karditsa, Thessaly.

Light construction works Karditsa, Thessaly - ALKO - Oil painting Karditsa, Thessaly.

4864 Visitors:
Address: Epirus 43
Area: Karditsa
Telephone: 6987387973
Mobile: -
P.C.: 43100
Category: PAINTING
Fax: -
Responsible: -
Responsible phone: -
ALCO Light construction works and painting in Karditsa and in all prefectures of Thessaly, Larissa, Trikala, Volos. We are one of the few professionals in Greece who have the appropriate scaffolding equipment with EN 131 compliance certificate for painting and repairs of balconies, facades of buildings, with great heights, AIRLESS machines, Grinding machines (with integrated vacuum cleaner that sucks the dust). Call us and we will be happy to inform you and give you our offer! ...
4864 Visitors:

Epirus 43, Karditsa

4864 Visitors:


Light construction works and painting in Karditsa and in all prefectures of Thessaly, Larissa, Trikala, Volos.

We are one of the few professionals in Greece who have the appropriate scaffolding equipment

with EN 131 compliance certificate

for painting and repairs of balconies, facades of buildings, with great heights, AIRLESS machines, Grinding machines (with integrated vacuum cleaner that sucks the dust).

Call us and we will be happy to inform you and give you our offer!

Contact hours: daily from 8 am - 8 p.m.

Sincerely, ALCO

Oil painting Karditsa Karditsa Thessaly

Oil painters Karditsa Karditsa Thessaly

Residential painting Karditsa Thessaly

Painters Karditsa Karditsa Thessaly

Scaffolding for painting and balcony repairs Karditsa Karditsa Thessaly


Light Construction Works
Oil paintings
Aerial Works
4864 Visitors:

Epirus 43

Telephone: 6987387973

Working Hours
